Sarah Palin’s Thanksgiving Day Message To All 57 States

November 26, 2010

During an interview on the Glenn Beck Show, Ms Sarah Palin made the mistake of referring to North Korea as our ally.  Though she immediately corrected herself, the lame stream media was all over her for the mistake.   In classic Sarah Palin style, she has this to offer in response.

My fellow Americans in all 57 states, the time has changed for come. With our country founded more than 20 centuries ago, we have much to celebrate – from the FBI’s 100 days to the reforms that bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system. We know that countries like Europe are willing to stand with us in our fight to halt the rise of privacy, and Israel is a strong friend of Israel’s. And let’s face it, everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma and they end up taking up a hospital bed. It costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early, and they got some treatment, and ah, a breathalyzer, or an inhalator. I mean, not a breathalyzer, ah, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian for that…  

The above is a compilation, complete with links to the video, of President Obama mistakes (or admissions) that the lame stream socialist media talking heads choose to ignore.  She offered this as evidence of how the ‘lame stream socialist media’ covers for their Socialist Brethren while beating down those that they disagree with. 

If the media had bothered to actually listen to all of my remarks on Glenn Beck’s radio show, they would have noticed that I refer to South Korea as our ally throughout, that I corrected myself seconds after my slip-of-the-tongue, and that I made it abundantly clear that pressure should be put on China to restrict energy exports to the North Korean regime. The media could even have done due diligence and checked my previous statements on the subject, which have always been consistent, and in fact even ahead of the curve. But why let the facts get in the way of a good story? (And for that matter, why not just make up stories out of thin air – like the totally false hard news story which has run for three days now reporting that I lobbied the producers of “Dancing with the Stars” to cast a former Senate candidate on their show. That lie is further clear proof that the media completely makes things up without doing even rudimentary fact-checking.)

You can read the rest of the response here.

Needless to say the lame stream media has learned nothing from the November public backlash and continues to make themselves totally irrelevant.  My only question is, as their viewing audience dwindles down to the social elites that do not believe in personal donations to charity, how long will it be before they solicit President Obama or Nanny Pelosi for a bailout.

The lame stream media, not main stream, not main street, not journalism.  Every show should come with the following public notice ‘warning, the following is not a news program, we are simply entertaining the elitist views we support, paying homage to our elitist masters and attempting to indoctrinate America on our Socialist values’. 

Even the World Wrestling Federation labels themselves as entertainment in order to divulge to the thinking public that it is not real wrestling, but a group of very talented and skilled athletes putting on a show.  Why should lame stream media be treated differently when they are incapable of providing journalistic integrity?

Had Ms Palin attempted the same opening paragraph based on gaffs made by VP Joe Biden, it would have required a 4 volume, 4000 page tome 🙂 

Co-President teleprompter had no response to this article.

While Others Are Digesting And Watching Football

November 24, 2010

First, I apologize for the slim postings.  It is a busy time of the year and there really has not been much to comment on with the exception of the TSA lonely hearts club junk grabs at the airport.  So, while others are digesting and watching football, I thought I would revive a bit of old humor and post a few classic Hudson & Landry routines for you to enjoy 🙂  If they notice you laughing just tell them you have the turkey giggles or something 🙂

With my luck, I will run into this retired football hero for my next TSA pat down.  Not that there is anything wrong with that 🙂

This one has video, cheap video, but hey animation is expensive 🙂  I think I served with these guys.

Gee, no one does mortuary jokes these days.  Wonder why?

Try this game with the TSA, or your friendly neighborhood tax collector 🙂

Of course if you live South of the Mason Dixon you could end up running into this guy during your next TSA feel up.

Back in the days when they would feed you on airlines.

And, of course, I saved one of their best for last.  This is totally reminiscent of our recent election, or every election ever 🙂

Have a really great Thanksgiving all.  Remember to love, remember to laugh, but also remember to remember and be thankful 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving One And All

November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving One and All  🙂  I hope each and every one of you is blessed with many things to be thankful for and that you continue to be blessed in the future 🙂 

Please take a moment to remember those that cannot be with their loved ones on this day of thanks.  It is through their sacrifices that we are allowed to be free and celebrate this day.  That my friends is something to be truly thankful for 🙂

Newsbusted 11/19/10

November 24, 2010

NewsBusted 11/19/10 with your warm and fuzzy, well not fuzzy fuzzy, but you know what I mean, host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

NewsBusted 11/16/10

November 17, 2010

NewsBusted 11/16/10 with your satirical lyrical host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

How The Japanese View The TSA

November 14, 2010

A little Sunday humor that I lifted from Ace’s site 🙂

NewsBusted 11/12/10

November 12, 2010

NewsBusted 11/12/10 with your sunny funny host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

Keith Fimian Throws In The Towel, Decides Against Recount

November 10, 2010

Mr Keith Fimian notified his supporters today, that he would not seek a recount in the VA-11 Congressional Race.   Though he is down less than 1000 votes of the over 220,000 votes cast, citing the costs to state taxpayers and the likelihood that the recount numbers would not change significantly enough to allow a victory, he simply thanked his supporter and declined to request the recount.

The following is a copy of the e-mail addressed to his supporters.

The election in Virginia’s 11th congressional district was one of the closest in the Nation.  For that, I am grateful and I have you to thank.  You made this run possible.  You are the reason we performed as well as we did.  And I am humbled and honored to have had your enormous support.
Over 220,000 votes were cast, and less than 1,000 votes separate the two candidates.  In this situation, Virginia law says that there should be a recount if I request it.  In fact, the election is so close that the General Assembly has determined that the Commonwealth should bear the costs of any recount — that’s how seriously our state legislature views elections like this, and how committed they are to getting them right.
The decision whether to seek a recount is not one that I have made lightly or in haste.  On the one hand, it is fundamental to the very legitimacy of our government that every voter has full confidence that his or her vote was counted fully and fairly – a factor that is especially important in close contests like this.

On the other hand, recounts are expensive (as much as $100,000) and time-consuming (as late as mid-December), not only to the taxpayers who by law must bear the personnel and equipment costs incurred by the Commonwealth in conducting the recount, but also to the individual donors who very generously fund our campaigns using their hard-earned personal money.  In fact, Federal law requires us to pay for our lawyers and staff costs in any canvass or recount the same way that we fund our campaigns – with individual donations in $2,400 increments.

Over the past several days, I have been reviewing the election returns closely, bearing in mind that a recount only seeks to arrive at an accurate tally of all votes cast in the election, and does not take into consideration any issues relating to the fair conduct of the election.  Here is what I have determined:

First, the votes were counted and tallied on Election Night, and double-checked again in the post-election canvass that followed it.  Because of the legal counsel we have hired and the teams of people we have had monitoring the precinct-by-precinct canvass, at this point, we believe that the tallies are accurate – and that any additional inaccuracies will be scrubbed out by state officials, who are about to spend the next two weeks “triple-checking” the returns.

Second, we know that hundreds of absentee ballots were rejected in this election, but we have uncovered no evidence that those rejections were due to the use of an improper or unlawful standard.  Similarly, thousands of military and other overseas absentee ballots have yet to be returned, but every indication is that our election officials sent those ballots out on time, so there is no legal basis for including them if they were returned late.

Third, and perhaps most importantly, we have determined that, in Fairfax and Prince William counties, voting machines failed to register votes on over 1,000 ballots that were cast in the congressional election.  This year, when the congressional race was the only office on the ballot, it seems odd that so many voters would turn out to vote only to cast a blank ballot.  So I believe that there are in fact as many as 1,000 votes that have not been counted in this election, and that a recount would uncover those votes.  At the same time, I would have to win those votes by a 98-2 margin in order to close the gap that currently exists between the candidates.  Under even the best of circumstances, that’s quite a long shot, and one that does not justify the cost and expense it would take to see it through.

Beyond that, I spoke with Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli yesterday who reminded me that Bob McDonnell’s 2005 Attorney General state-wide recount netted only 37 votes.  For these reasons, and as a consequence of the current 981 vote gap, Attorney General Cuccinelli advised me not to seek a recount.

Taking all this into account, I have concluded that a recount will not change the election outcome and, after much discussion with friends, family and supporters, I have decided not to seek one.  This was a very close election, but even a difference of fewer than 1,000 votes is simply too great to overcome in a recount under Virginia law.  That said, if the State Board of Elections certifies a closer result on November 22, then I will revisit my decision.

In closing, I want to thank everyone who participated in the election and especially, of course, those who voted for me.  This past year has been a terrific experience and I am better off for having lived it.  I thank my family, my friends and my supporters – old and new – for their untiring support and for standing with me throughout the campaign.  I believe the Commonwealth of Virginia and our Nation are better off for the issues that were brought to the fore and discussed and debated.

From the start of my campaign to this day, I have maintained that the major issues currently facing America are our economy and job creation.  I have also argued that the out-of-control spending and unparalleled debt that our government is leaving future generations is an unconscionable moral wrong that will only be solved by competent, principled leaders who know how to balance budgets and reduce the harmful spending that is now so menacing to our own children.  While I fell short in the election result, it is clear that the people of northern Virginia – and all across America – share my concerns and want their elected representatives to address these issues right now!

I especially thank all of my supporters once again for everything they have done.  I am deeply humbled and truly honored to have had the dedicated and unwavering support from so many over the course of the campaign.  For this, I shall forever be grateful.  And I shall never forget you.

Thank you.  God bless you.  And God bless America! 

Keith Fimian
Voter machine irregularities causing people to cast blank ballots.  Voter machines being replaced during the election by machines from the unsecure trunks of election officials.  Hundreds of absentee ballots thrown out.  Thousands of military absentee ballots requested, sent out and not returned.  The union machines playing in full contact mode, not to mention the remnants of ACORN still in operation.  I am sorry, but this just does not pass the smell test. 
Thus, it looks like two more years of the Socialist Pelosi Sock Puppet Gerry Connolly not representing the people of Virginia.  Even though VA-11 is a bedroom district for the Washington DC Socialist Elites, I do not see the Socialist Connolly drawing over 50%. 
Oh well, at least I will have plenty to write about.   Though I was hoping to spend the time focusing on non-Conservative Senator Jim Webb, who is up for re-election in 2012, and how he sold out the Voters of Virginia to support the Socialist Movement in DC.
One day I hope to have a Senator and a Congressional Representative that support the people who elected them and do not sell them out to the highest bidder, or play feel good politics with other peoples lives and monies.  Two thinking adults, is that too much to ask?

NewsBusted 11/9/10

November 10, 2010

NewsBusted 11/9/10 with your pert and perky host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

The election is not quite over as there has been no winner declared in VA-11.  The final count puts Socialist Connolly up by almost 1000 votes.  However, there were machine issues in two voting districts.  One witness stated that his machine simply died, then the election official went to his private vehicle, in an unsecured parking lot, and pulled a machine out of his trunk.  Once the machine was installed the witness was allowed to vote.

Mr. Keith Fimian was reported to be making a decision on requesting a recount, however, I can find no updated information and his tweets ended on election day.  He has been out town on a business trip, but was scheduled to return today.  Perhaps we will know something this AM.

The final count is well below the margin that would allow for a voter funded recount.  With a Conservative Secretary of State, the recount may conducted with some amount of fair scrutiny.  One has to imagine, considering the groups that support him, that there is no way that Connolly wins without some type of illegal voting activity.  Time will tell.

On flip side of things, I love trees, but this time of year I can really do without the leaves 🙂  If only they would all get together and leave at the same time.   But, no, the Cherry trees begin with a slight discoloration and dump the majority of their leaves at the first sign of chill weather.  The fickle sugar maples do a half and half thing that takes about 3 weeks, followed by the mature maple for which each tree seems to have enough leaves for 10 other trees.  The poplar will leave whenever it feels like it, or wait until I have just raked and dump another bag load.  The elms and oaks hold out until the very end, often dropping leaves on fresh snow.  Sometimes the oaks are still holding dead leaves in early Spring.

Yes, I had today off and spent the majority of it dealing with the dead leaves in my yard.  It looked nice when I put everything away, but by the time I let the dogs out for the final time tonight it was looking like I had never bothered.  The sad part is, this was my third round and the majority of the trees are still loaded.  So, if you wonder where I am on weekends, or why I haven’t posted, wonder no more.  I am wasting my time playing yard jockey and trying to keep this place looking presentable.

And to think, once the trees are all bare, provided they ever get there, I get to clean to gutters.  I simply hope they are frozen at the time 🙂

NewsBusted 11/5/10

November 5, 2010

NewsBusted 11/5/10 with your peppy host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂