Jib Jab 2010 Year In Review

December 30, 2010

The Jib Jab 2010 Year in Review.  A little humor for the last day of the year 🙂

Sleeve’s La La La La Christmas Song

December 26, 2010

Okay, I do not know why I had to post this.  Maybe is it was habit forming, or maybe it simply described my mood for the holidays.   Play it if you dare, but do not blame me if it sticks with you.  Something akin to that ‘Its’ A Small World’ song.


December 24, 2010


A Congress Christmas

December 24, 2010

A short video of What Congress Gave Themselves for Christmas.

NewsBusted 12/17/10

December 18, 2010

NewsBusted 12/17/10, the last for 2010, with your host with the most, Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

NewsBusted 12/14/10

December 14, 2010

NewsBusted 12/14/10 with your classy lassy of satire Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

NewsBusted 12/10/10

December 11, 2010

NewsBusted 12/10/10 with your funny sunny host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

On a lighter note Bill Clinton is President again, or so it seems.

I expect this guy to be nominated for public office any day now.  Let’s see, incest check, calling others immoral check, Palin derangement syndrome check, left-wing university Socialist Elite check, college professor with no experience in the real World check.  Heck the Dems will make this guy a Senator and public hero with no problem.  In fact he may be overqualified to run as a Socialist Democrat Senator, why not run him for President HuffPo?

NewsBusted 12/7/10

December 9, 2010

NewsBusted 12/7/10 with your aural pleasing host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

A funny thing I noticed about the Senate vote on extending the tax cuts.  Two Democrat Senators that voted against extending the tax cuts people for making over $250,000.00 a year, voted for extending the tax cuts for people making over one million dollars a year.  Kind of odd huh?

Two other Democrat Senators went the other way on both votes.  The funny thing, they are all Senators from states that are turning back to the Conservatives.

Honestly Senator Webb, do you think voting inside on bills that you know are going to fail anyway will lead voters to believe that you are a Conservative?  Your full support for the Obama agenda proves otherwise.  We are not amused.  Your Socialist voting record will be a major issue by November 2012. 

NewsBusted 12/3/10

December 4, 2010

NewsBusted 12/3/10 with your warm and snippy host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

It is Saturday morning and I am far behind in the homestead chores.  My house is buried in leaves and some of the trees simply refuse to give in and dump the rest of them.  I sit here and think, how nice it would be to enjoy a cup of coffee, or three, write a nice article, enjoy a leisurely lunch and drift the day away, but unfortunately, the leaves will not evaporate with the Spring thaw.   Therefore, my mission Today, should I choose to accept it, will be to play the role of respectable home owner and attempt to make this place look respectable.   I will attack the clogged gutters next week when, hopefully, the rest of the leaves will have fallen.  

On a lighter note, the Socialist Democrats and the lame stream media have learned absolutely nothing from the recent elections and seem insanely bent on driving themselves off the cliff of lemmings and into historical irrelevancy.  Then again, you cannot have drama without crooks, lunatics or villans.

NewsBusted 11/3010

December 1, 2010

NewsBusted 11/30/10 with your effervescent host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂