NewsBusted 3/25/11

March 25, 2011

NewsBusted 2/25/11 with your hostess with the mostess Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

NewsBusted 3/22/11

March 25, 2011

Sen Rand Paul – My Toilets Do Not Work

March 18, 2011

This is probably one of the best things that I have heard a politician say in a long time.  Sen Rand Paul asks the DOE rep why they (environuts) believe in freedom of choice when it comes to social issues, but not when it comes to allowing consumers to choose what they want.

Of course she never answers his question, because she knows that he is exactly right on every issue.  They take away our choice and force us to buy items that do not work as well, cost more money and are made overseas.  They put Americans out of business, workers out of jobs and enrich other countries all in the name of saving energy, when the truth is just the opposite. 

The light bulb is the best example.  Little notice was given to the fact that the last light bulb company in the United States closed its’ doors last September as their product can no longer be manufactured.   Selling out to GE, the DOE and Congress decided that the simple light bulb that has served us well for so many years must be replaced with a mercury filled ecological disaster that not only costs us ten times more to purchase, but distorts colors, takes up to a minute to warm up and produce adequate light, will propably end up doing permanent damage to our vision and, of course, is made in China.

These people must really hate Americans, because they certainly do not believe in the freedom of consumer choice, keeping Americans working or the production of American made products.

As a side note, there is a bill in the House to overturn the outlawing of the light bulb.  Though, on the slight chance it would ever pass the Senate, or Obama would ever sign it, it is too little too late to save American jobs.  Mission accomplished DOE.

NewsBusted 3/18/11

March 18, 2011

NewsBusted 3/18/11 with your funny honey host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

NewsBusted 3/15/11

March 18, 2011

NewsBusted 3/15/11 with your zarina of zing Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

NewsBusted 3/11/11

March 13, 2011

NewsBusted 3/11/11 with your right witted host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

NewsBusted 3/8/2011

March 8, 2011

NewsBusted 3/8/2011 with your princess of pun Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

Lets Get Serious Government Spending Restraints Work

March 5, 2011

Mr Dan Mitchell from the Center for Freedom & Prosperity offers the following examples of ‘how limiting government spending’ , or ‘limiting the growth of government spending’ result in increased wealth and prosperity for the entire nation.

Video number 1, lessons learned from Presidents Reagan and Clinton.

Video number 2, lessons learned from other nations.

To put Mr. Mitchell’s examples in the simplest terms.  We do not need tax increases.  We need fiscal sanity and government spending restraints.   You cannot increase spending by 48%, as we have since 2008, when the GDP is crawling along at 2% or less.   Tax increases will only result in increased government spending and reduced government revenues.   Failure to rein in the deficit spending will result in financial ruin and bankrupt our nation.

In other words, you cannot spend your way out of debt as our current President would have you believe.  That is simple economics 101.  

When we are looking at a 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit placed upon a 14 Trillion dollar debt, it is hard to imagine that there is ‘sanity’ in government when the best either side can do is offer 65 Billion dollars in cuts.  They wasted a Trillion dollar Stimulus and have increased total spending by 48% since 2007.  This is money that mostly went into the pockets of Unions, Socialist entities and Wall Street fat cats.   Main Street America has seen very little, if any, of that money.   Can we expect anything different in this bloated 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit plan they are offering now?

It is time for both sides to get busy, cut (not trim) spending, reduce the size and duplications of government, cut loose the public unions and special interests, stop funding stupidity & political entities, defund the UN and the international organizations that work against us, and finally go after the corrupt people and organizations that have obtained our tax dollars through dishonest means, punish them, and get our stolen money back.

Again, a 65 Billion dollar cut to a bloated 1.6 Trillion dollar deficit spending plan is bullcrap.  After all their promises, our elected officials seem to believe that they can fool us with what amounts to a rounding error.   They simply are not trying hard enough.  If they were serious they would start with the 2007 budget plan and make cuts from there.  

We cannot afford another Trillion dollar deficit on top of the 14 Trillion dollar debt that we have now.  As anyone who has ever owned a credit card knows, the interest payment alone will take a larger portion of our wealth than we can create in order to pay down the balance.

Go back to work and do it right this time elected officials.  Honesty in government should not be an oxymoron.

If things do not change soon I have a feeling we will be singing this once again in 2012.

I had to add the following due to comments received 🙂

NewsBusted 3/4/11

March 4, 2011

NewsBusted 3/4/11 with you warm and witty host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂

NewsBusted 3/1/11

March 1, 2011

NewsBusted 3/1/11 with your tart and tangy host Ms Jodi Miller 🙂